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Ultra-High Range: >15,000 PSI

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  • Model 7200 | Flight Heritage Pressure Transducer

    Model: 7200 (AERO)
    Range: 0-1 PSIG, 0-3 PSIA thru 0-15K PSI options (69 mBAR thru 1,034.2 BAR)
    Warranty: Product Warranty

    Model 7200 Flight Heritage Pressure Transducer series from GP:50 is a flight heritage static pressure transducer, designed to provide high-accuracy pressure measurements within commercial aviation, military, aerospace, UAV, satellite, and defense applications. This highly rugged and highly reliable Model 7200 is field proven over 25 years and hundreds of applications, including higher shock and vibration environments, and is available in both test and program volumes to suit a variety of requirements.

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  • Model 741 | High-Accuracy Digital Pressure Transducer

    Model: 741 (Industrial)
    Range: 0 to 1 thru 0 to 8,000 PSI (0.069 thru 552 BAR) *Gauge, Sealed Gauge, Absolute
    Warranty: Product Warranty

    Model 741 High-Accuracy Digital Pressure Transducer provides RS485 digital data transmission used in serial communication protocols standard for Industrial Control Networks and Data Acquisition Systems. High static accuracy, thermal performance and lack of EMI makes the 741 ideal for the auto and aircraft manufacturing floor.

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  • Model 411/411XP | Smart Rangeable Hazardous Location Pressure Transmitter

    Model: 411/411XP (Oil & Gas)
    Range: 0-15 PSI thru 0-100K PSI (0-1 thru 6,895 BAR)
    Certification: HART Protocol, CSA & FM Approvals
    Warranty: Product Warranty

    Model 411/411XP Smart Rangeable Hazardous Location Pressure Transmitter from GP:50 incorporates a 4-20 mA output with digital HART protocol. Units are offered with both CSA and FM approval options, as well as a variety of process and electrical connections. Improved accuracy provides for a stable measurement throughout the total compensated temperature range.

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  • Series 400-900 | Digital Line of Transmitters

    Model: Series 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900
    Range: Varies by Series
    Warranty: Product Warranty

    GP:50’s line of Digital output Pressure, Level and Temperature Transmitters is among the most extensive available in the marketplace.

    Our Engineering team continues to lead the industry with innovative pressure and temperature measurement options including USB, and SDI-12 transmitters as well other well-established digital protocols such as CAN bus and HART. These digital protocols can be provided on most of our current line of analog output pressure and temperature transducers.

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  • Model 240/340 AI/AN/AF | Hazardous Locations Pressure Transmitter

    Model: 240/340 AI/AN/AF (Oil & Gas)

    0 to 1 PSI thru 0 to 50K PSI *Some Options May Affect Range

    PSIG, PSIS PSIA, PSIV & Compound Ranges Available

    Certification: ATEX & IEC Approvals
    Warranty: Product Warranty

    Model 240/340 AI/AN/AF Hazardous Locations Pressure Transmitter Series from GP:50 incorporates over 25 years of oil field proven design in a 1” diameter package. The 40 Series provides a rugged solution for hazardous approved areas, especially where space constraints are a concern. Its all-welded stainless steel design will provide years of reliable service in some of the harshest environments.

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  • Model 240/340 AI/AN/AF | Hazardous Locations Pressure Transmitter

    Model: 240/340 AI/AN/AF (Industrial)

    0 to 1 PSI thru 0 to 50K PSI *Some Options May Affect Range

    PSIG, PSIS PSIA, PSIV & Compound Ranges Available

    Certification: ATEX & IEC Approvals
    Warranty: Product Warranty

    Model 40 Hazardous Locations Pressure Transmitter Series from GP:50 incorporates over 25 years of oil field proven design in a 1” diameter package. The 40 Series provides a rugged solution for hazardous approved areas, especially where space constraints are a concern. Its all-welded stainless steel design will provide years of reliable service in some of the harshest environments.

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  • Model 251/351 Flush High-Pressure Transmitter

    Model: 251/351 (Flush Diaphragm)
    Range: 0-1000 thru 0-43K PSI (70 BAR thru 2,965 BAR)
    Certification: 3A
    Warranty: Product Warranty

    Model 251/351 Flush High-Pressure Transmitter from GP:50 is a sanitary flush pressure transmitter with a unique one-piece design. This flush design provides a zero dead volume eliminating the need for recessed tee’s or dead ended process connections. This design removes the possibility of trapped media or contamination and allows for a clean out-of-place (COP) device, providing for a sanitary, in-line solution.

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  • Model 251/351 | Flush High-Pressure Sanitary Transmitter

    Model: 251/351 (Sanitary)
    Range: 0-1000 thru 0-43K PSI (70 BAR thru 2,965 BAR)
    Certification: 3A
    Warranty: Product Warranty

    Model 251/351 Flush High-Pressure Sanitary Transmitter from GP:50 is a sanitary flush pressure transmitter with a unique one-piece design. This flush design provides a zero dead volume eliminating the need for recessed tee’s or dead ended process connections. This design removes the possibility of trapped media or contamination and allows for a clean out-of-place (COP) device, providing for a sanitary, in-line solution.

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  • Model 741 | High-Accuracy Digital Pressure Transducer

    Model: 741 (O&G)
    Range: 0 to 1 thru 0 to 8,000 PSI (0.069 thru 552 BAR) *Gauge, Sealed Gauge, Absolute
    Warranty: Product Warranty

    Model 741 High-Accuracy Digital Pressure Transducer from GP:50 provides RS485 digital data transmission used in serial communication protocols standard for Industrial Control Networks and Data acquisition systems. High static accuracy, thermal performance and lack of EMI makes the 741 ideal for the auto and aircraft manufacturing floor.

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  • Model 111/211/311X/P & 311N/AN/GN | Explosion Proof & Zone 2/Div 2 Pressure Transmitter

    Model: 111/211/311X/P & 311N/AN/GN (Oil & Gas)
    Range: 0 to 5 PSI thru 0 to 75K PSI (75 MBAR to 1,034 BAR)
    Certification: FM, CSA, ATEX & IEC Approvals
    Warranty: Product Warranty

    Model 111/211/311X/P and 311N/AN/GN Explosion Proof & Zone 2/Div 2 Pressure Transmitter Series from GP:50 provides a rugged solution in hazardous approved areas. The all welded, stainless steel design provides years of reliable service in some of the harshest applications.

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  • Model 111/211/311X/P & 311N/AN/GN | Explosion Proof & Zone 2/Div 2 Pressure Transmitter

    Model: 111/211/311X/P & 311N/AN/GN (Industrial)
    Range: 0 to 5 PSI thru 0 to 75K PSI (75 MBAR to 1,034 BAR)
    Certification: FM, CSA, ATEX & IEC Approvals
    Warranty: Product Warranty

    Model 111/211/311X/P & 311N/AN/GN Series from GP:50 provides a rugged solution in hazardous approved areas. The all welded, stainless steel design provides years of reliable service in some of the harshest applications.

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  • Model 250/350 AI/AN Sanitary Flow-Thru Pressure Transducer

    Model: 250/350 AI/AN (Sanitary)
    Range: 0 to 3000 thru 0-60K PSI (207 BAR thru 4,137 BAR)
    Certification: ATEX/IEC Intrinsically Safe, 3A
    Warranty: Product Warranty

    Model 250/350 AI/AN Sanitary Flow-Thru Pressure Transducerseries from GP:50 is a flow-thru pressure transmitter with a unique one-piece design. This flow-thru design provides a zero internal dead volume eliminating the need for piping tees or dead ended process connections. This design removes the possibility of trapped media or contamination and allows for a Clean In Place (CIP) device, providing for a sanitary, in-line solution for the pharmaceutical market especially rated for high pressure homogenization systems.

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  • Model 250/350 AI/AN Sanitary Flow-Thru Pressure Transducer

    Model: 250/350 AI/AN (Industrial)
    Range: 0 to 3000 thru 0-60K PSI (207 BAR thru 4,137 BAR)
    Certification: ATEX/IEC Intrinsically Safe, 3A
    Warranty: Product Warranty

    Model 250/350 AI/AN Sanitary Flow-Thru Pressure Transmitter from GP:50 is a flow-thru pressure transmitter with a unique one-piece design. This flow-thru design provides a zero internal dead volume eliminating the need for piping tees or dead ended process connections. This design removes the possibility of trapped media or contamination and allows for a Clean In Place (CIP) device, providing for a sanitary, in-line solution for the pharmaceutical market especially rated for high pressure homogenization systems.

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  • Model 114/214/314 | Ultra High Range Differential Pressure Transducer

    Model: 114/214/314 (Differential Pressure)
    Range: 500 PSID to 20K PSID (25 BAR D to 1,379 BAR D)
    Warranty: Product Warranty

    Model 114/214/314 Ultra High Range Differential Pressure Transducer series from GP:50 offers +0.50% (BFSL) static accuracy over its standard ranges of 500 to 20K PSID (35 to 1,379 BAR D). Improved accuracy is available to +0.20%. Their rugged, compact design incorporates a unique, non-filled strain gauge sensing technology. These attributes allow the Model 114/214/314 to effectively support high-cycle pressure measurement requirements, even in space constrained environments. An all stainless steel construction, without seals or o-rings, provides high-corrosion resistance. Optional intrinsically safe versions are also available for extreme applications.

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  • Model 7500 | Subsea Pressure Level Transducer

    Model: 7500 (AERO)
    Range: 0 to 50 thru 0 to 20K PSI (3.4 thru 1,379 BAR)
    Warranty: Product Warranty

    Model 7500 subsea pressure level transducer from GP:50 is a rugged, sub-sea rated pressure transducer, tested to 30,000 FT sea water. The highly corrosion resistant design meets the tough environmental challenges of offshore oil and gas, Naval and ROV applications. The high reliability of the Model 7500 is field proven over 25 years and hundreds of applications, including higher shock and vibration environments.

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  • Model 7540-9000 | Wellhead Subsea Pressure Transmitter

    Model: 7540-9000 (Oil & Gas)
    Range: 0 to 5K thru 0 to 25K PSI (345 thru 1,724 BAR)
    Warranty: Product Warranty

    Model 7540-9000 Wellhead Subsea Pressure Transmitter Series from GP:50 is a high-accuracy subsea rated pressure transmitter with sea depth sensing reference offering more than 15 years of fieldproven pedigree. This Series features an API flanged process connection with Inconel inlay and all stainless steel housing with full seawater compatibility to 30K (9,144 M). The sea depth reference port provides either a differential output between the process pressure and sea depth, or a dual output between the process pressure and sea depth. A temperature output is also available.

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  • Model 170QX/270QX/370QX | High Pressure High Temperature Pressure Transducer

    Model: 170QX 270QX 370QX (Oil & Gas)
    Range: 0 to 1000 PSI thru 0 to 20K PSI (69 thru 1,379 BAR)

    FM/CSA/ATEX/IEC Intrinsic Safety


    CE Marked

    Warranty: Product Warranty

    Model 170QX/270QX/370QX High Pressure High Temperature Pressure Transducer series from GP:50 is designed for High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) well applications. This series is designed to fit the standard WECO® 2”- 1502 or 2”- 2002/2202 unions and operates at
    a continuous process temperature to +350 °F (+177 °C). It offers reliable service in high shock and vibration applications such as cementing, fracturing and drilling mud pressure measurement.

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  • Model 112/212/312 | Ultra High Range Pressure Transducer

    Model: Model 112/212/312 (Industrial)
    Range: 0 to 20K PSI to 60K PSI (1,379 to 4,137 BAR): 17-4 PH SST; 61K to 150K PSI (4,206 to 10,342 BAR): Vascomax 300 (For water jets - Inconel 718)
    Warranty: Product Warranty

    Model 112/212/312 Ultra High Range Pressure Transducer from GP:50 is offered in a single piece sensor design with no welds or seals. All stainless steel construction and industry standard highpressure coned process  connections are available in both English and Metric sizes.

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  • Model 375 | API Flanged Pressure Transmitter

    Model: 375 (Oil & Gas)
    Range: 0 to 5K thru 0 to 25K PSI (345 thru 1,724 BAR)
    Warranty: Product Warranty

    Model 375 API Flanged Pressure Transmitter Series from GP:50 offers over 10 years of field proven pedigree. This Series features a robust design with all stainless steel housing and optional Inconel wetted parts. The compact design provides a highly reliable and accurate transmitter that provides years of trouble-free use. There is an optional redundant sensor design that provides backup in case of primary sensor failures. Optional HART communication protocol is available for field adjustment options.

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  • Model 7500-9000 | Wellhead Subsea Pressure and Temperature Transmitter

    Model: 7500-9000 (Oil & Gas)
    Range: 0 to 5K thru 0 to 25K PSI (345 thru 1,724 BAR)
    Warranty: Product Warranty

    Model 7500-9000 Wellhead Subsea Pressure and Temperature Transmitter Series from GP:50 is a high accuracy pressure and temperature transmitter, offering more than 15 years of field-proven pedigree within subsea wellhead applications. The Series features a robust design with all stainless steel housings and wetted parts, full seawater submersibility to 30K ft (9,144 M) and an API flanged process connection. An optional redundant sensor provides backup pressure and temperature outputs, in the case of prime element failures or cabling issues. Optional HART communication protocols are available for remote measurements.

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  • Model 7500-9100 API Flanged Subsea Pressure Transmitter

    Model: 7500-9100 (Oil & Gas)
    Range: 0 to 5K thru 0 to 20K PSI (345 thru 1,380 BAR)
    Warranty: Product Warranty

    Model 7500-9100 API Flanged Subsea Pressure Transmitter Series from GP:50 is an API flanged, subsea pressure transmitter with over 20 years of field heritage. This Series features pressure ranges up to 20K PSI, seawater rating to 30K ft (9,144 M) and optional HART protocol allowing for field configuration. A removable sensor assembly option allows for field repairs as well as redundant sensors that provide field backup in case of a primary sensor failure.

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  • Model 7501-9000 | Wellhead Subsea Pressure Transmitter

    Model: 7501-9000 (Oil & Gas)
    Range: 0 to 5K thru 0 to 25K PSI (345 thru 1,724 BAR)
    Warranty: Product Warranty

    Model 7501-9000 Wellhead Subsea Pressure Transmitter Series from GP:50 is a high-accuracy subsea rated pressure transmitter offering more than 15 years of field-proven pedigree. This  Series features an API flanged process connection with Inconel inlay and all stainless steel housing with full seawater compatibility to 30K ft (9,144 M). Pressure ranges available from 0-500 through 0-30,000 psi with 4-20mA output or optional digital protocols.

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  • Model 311 I, GI, AI | Intrinsically Safe Pressure Transmitter

    Model: 311 I, GI, AI (Industrial)
    Range: 0 to 5 thru 0 to 75K PSI (0 to 0.3 thru 0 to 5,171 BAR) *PSIG, PSIS, PSIA, PSIV & Compound Ranges Available
    Certification: FM, CSA ATEX, IEC Intrinsically Safe; For Explosion-proof see model 311X/P
    Warranty: Product Warranty

    GP:50’s Model 11 series provides a rugged solution in hazardous approved areas. The all welded, stainless steel design provides years of reliable service in some of the harshest applications.

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  • Model 311 I, GI, AI | Intrinsically Safe Pressure Transmitter

    Model: 311 I, GI, AI (Oil & Gas)
    Range: 0 to 5 thru 0 to 75K PSI (0 to 0.3 thru 0 to 5,171 BAR) *PSIG, PSIS, PSIA, PSIV & Compound Ranges Available
    Certification: FM, CSA ATEX, IEC Intrinsically Safe; For Explosion-proof see model 311X/P
    Warranty: Product Warranty

    Model 311 I, GI, AI Intrinsically Safe Pressure Transducer Series provides a rugged solution in hazardous approved areas. The all welded, stainless steel design provides years of reliable service in some of the harshest applications.

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